what is snej.de?
It’s a domain which I use for my personal purposes. E.g. to run this home page.
who are you?
Hello, World! I’m Jens Wirth. I live near Hanover in Germany. Interestingly, I have only one frontal sinus. I neither know why that is nor why I’m writing this here. The main thing is that you always know where your towel is. So, don’t panic!
how to contact you?
- mail: jw@snej.de
- If you are a radio amateur: My call is DL7JEW. The QTH is JO42sj. I’m interested in worldwide QRP communication on HF using digimodes like WSPR, JT65 and of course the new FT8 mode.
- Also, I do have a postal address:
Jens Wirth
Friesenstr. 10
30926 Seelze (OT Gümmer)